Getting Smart, With Connective Lighting

We believe that connectivity will revolutionise lighting.
You may be looking for lighting that comes to life when the room is entered, or light that tracks movement as people pass through your building. You might want to save energy or create a more sustainable lighting scheme. Your building might have multiple uses and you may wish your lighting could change at the press of a button. Connectivity in lighting supports all this — and more.
Wireless lighting focuses on wireless data transmission (fittings aren't completely wireless - they still need power, afterall). It provides automation, energy savings and data generation, and creates an experience for the users of the building. It adds the 'cool' factor to your lighting scheme, creating dynamic environments perfectly suited to the ever-changing world of commercial business.
Case Study | Eagle House, Bristol
Eagle House was a dynamic D&B project, utilising the latest wireless lighting control technology across the large fit out.
The linear lighting was also supplied with integrated emergency components, again allowing for an easier and cleaner installation. The scheme uses the wireless Philips EasyAir across the entire building, allowing for presence detection and daylight dimming, without a physical data infrastructure. Sensors are built into each luminaire for maximum flexibility and control.
To discover the full case study for Eagle House, head over to the project page here.
What can Wireless Lighting do for you?
Connective lighting is beneficial for everyone. And yes, we mean everyone.
The Designers
A form of lighting control is a necessity in order to achieve that WELL or BREEAM tick, and it provides the added functionality for your building's tenants to control the lighting in their own space. Lighting has never been as interactive and accessible as it is today. The reduction of cables between fittings makes the space look a lot nicer and cleaner also, meaning you can achieve as close to your interior vision as possible.
It can provide some extra creativity, too. With a wireless lighting system, you can light aspects of a space differently with just a tap of an app button. During daily workspace activity, you can simply shift lights from cooler to warmer shades (or back again) depending on which colour temperature an individual may be at their most productive. Or imagine in a retail environment if your direct lighting could be adapted to cast different colours and intensities to enhance unique products to truly capture your customer's attention with ease. Well, with connective lighting, dynamic functions such as this are more than possible.
The Technicians
Wireless lighting isn't just cost effective but it's time effective too. Let's take a standard, wired lighting scheme: imagine you need to install and test luminaires across 10 floors. That's a lot of lights, which means a lot of cables, with means a lot of valuable time spent on site. Wireless Lighting does what it suggest in the name. The limited amount of set up for a connective system pales in comparison of a wired scheme, so you can sign off and move onto your next project much sooner. Put simply, short downtime during installation and easy maintenance make it a winning solution for both renovations and new builds.
The End Users
Finally, the Clients; wireless lighting is a trend you'll invest in now to save yourself time and money in the future. Ultimately, wireless lighting provides you with greater control, flexibility, and scalability. And, if there's a change in the floor plan there's no need to re-design the lighting; you can just create new groups of lighting through the controls.
Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, connective lighting systems can reduce your energy usage, too. Any landlord looking for a good EPC rating should endeavour to make the most out of how sustainable effective connective lighting systems can be for a building, especially as lighting can be responsible for up to 40% of a building's electricity use (according to the LIA). With daylight sensors and Passive Infra-Red (Or PIR; the type of detector that will sense movement) that usage can be reduced by 75%, a significant saving, and a guaranteed way to demonstrate your business' commitment to Net Zero and helping out the planet.
Case Study | 2C Flowers Hill, Bristol
Our passion for sustainability is visible from every angle in a space close to our hearts; our own HQ, at 2C Flowers Hill.
Here, wireless communication with Smart Power Sensor developed by Casambi is giving us data in real time and system-wide presence detection means we're never wasting energy on lighting areas not being used. It's pretty smart, too, adapting it's output depending on the amount of daylight.
To discover the full case study for 2C, head over to the project page here.
Next step: Discover more with our free CIBSE-Accredited Wireless Lighting Controls CPD.
Our Wireless Lighting Controls CPD is a great continuation into the interesting world of connective lighting, and runs through creating dynamic lighting schemes equally suitable for small one-room solutions to complex multi-floor buildings. Written and presented in the engaging and interactive way our sessions are known for, we'll help to break down the complexity of the topic and reinforce the importance of well-designed lighting schemes.
By the end of the seminar, you will have a good understanding of:
- The impact lighting controls can have on a project, both performance and aesthetics.
- How to specify the requirements of the lighting control system for a project.
- The range of solutions on the market and the advantages each system offer.
Booking you or your team onto a Wireless seminar couldn't be easier; simply fill out the form here to register your interest and we'll be in touch.
If you're interested in finding out what Connective Lighting could do for your lighting scheme, our experienced Lighting Engineers will be more than happy to organise a consultation with you to discuss your project in depth.
Also, if you want to check out our HQ to see our scheme for yourself, we'd love to have you stop by and show you around. Our office really is our pride and joy, and all tours come with a chat and a cup of tea or coffee.
Want to know more about what 299 can do for your project?